- Aleph, Books, Non Fiction
Coming Out As Dalit: A Memoir – Yashica Dutt
- ₹599.00
- 'A personal story becomes a powerful social commentary against everyday casteism that often goes unchallenged.' - The Hindu
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- Books, Graphic Novel, Non Fiction, Yoda Press
Shaheen Bagh: A Graphic Recollection – Ita Mehrotra
- ₹499.00
- 'Ita Mehrotra's book provides a fantastic street-level view of the iconic women's protest against the Indian governemnt's show-me-your-papers legislation for its citizens. Shaheen Bagh reminded of the fearless strength people can find in solidarity.' - Joe Sacco 'Its liquid style of telling a visual story is outstanding. This is graphic reportage for sure, but it also has an uncanny way…
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- Books, Non Fiction, Three Essays Collective
Democracy and Power: The Delhi Lectures – Noam Chomsky
- ₹350.00
- Introduction by Jean Drèze
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