- Books, Poetry, Red River Press
A Moveable East – Siddharth Dasgupta
- ₹300.00
- From fast-vanishing Irani restaurants pervaded by ‘the semolina sigh’ of mawa cakes to songs ‘dipped in the nasha of aged Shiraz’, these poems reach for an elsewhereness, and still wash up against the shores of some simple truths: ‘that some things are best left on windowsills’, for instance, or that ‘everything’s precious, until it’s airmailed away’. — Arundhathi Subramaniam These…
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- Books, Penguin, Poetry
Hunchprose – Ranjit Hoskote
- ₹499.00
- Signed Copies
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- Books, Panther's Paw Publication, Poetry, Translation
Broken Man – Loknath Yashwant
- ₹499.00
- Translated into English by Dr. K Jamanadas & Yogesh Maitreya
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