When The Chips Are Down : A Deep Dive Into A Global Crisis – Pranay Kotasthane, Abhiram Manchi


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To the world at large, technology was synonymous with software. Within months, the subject of such conversations has changed dramatically. Today, the hardware that runs all software – semiconductors or chips – has become a subject of WhatsApp groups and international politics.

The chip shortage during COVID-19 made governments take notice of this complex supply chain. The US began denying advanced semiconductors to Chinese companies. Worsening China-Taiwan relations further intensified the debate. By 2022, China, the US, India, the EU, and Japan had released plans worth billions of dollars for setting up new semiconductor facilities.

This book is a comprehensive overview of this “meta-critical” technology. How are semiconductors important from a geopolitical perspective? Why did the US and Taiwan become powerhouses in this domain while Russia and India fell behind? Is China’s semiconductor sector a threat to the world? What are the future trends to watch out for? These are the questions that this book answers.


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