A Passionate Cog : Adventures Within The Machine – Krityam Jain


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In some parallel fictional planet amidst the grand multiverse, exists a capitalist utopia, where an organization with a not-so-political-but -definitely-cultural flair, the ESSS- Extremely Selfless Servants of Society – aims to orchestrate a ground-up overhaul of their entire civilization. Their goal is to turn their entire civilization upside down. Their grand vision ? None pther than to create the glorious ” Chaddi Rashtra!”

Explore the Kafkaesque clash between ESSS’s chaddi-centric vision, aiming to transform the nation into the glorious “Chaddi Rashtra” and the relentless skepticism of morally upright college students, so called progressive and the ever-critical negative liberals. Will ESSS triumph in their quest for chaddi enlightenment, or will the utopian dream be unraveled by dissenters ?


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