- Books, Fiction, Vintage
The Testaments (Paperback) – Margaret Atwood
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- 'The Testaments is Atwood at her best . . . To read this book is to feel the world turning' Anne Enright, Guardian
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- Bloomsbury, Books, Fiction, Young Adults
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone – J.K Rowling
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- The spellbinding first adventure in the Harry Potter series and Winner of Winners in the 2020 Blue Peter Book Awards - voted for by children to celebrate twenty years of Blue Peter's amazing prize.
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- Books, Fiction, Speaking Tiger, Women Unlimited - Speaking Tiger
The Crooked Line – Ismat Chughtai ; Translated by Tahira Naqvi
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- This masterpiece by one of India’s foremost woman writers is also one of the most celebrated works of Urdu fiction. ‘[chughtai] wrote with an authenticity no male writer could have matched. She brought into the ambit of Urdu fiction The hitherto forbidden terrain of female sexuality more than one way, she changed the complexion of Urdu fiction.’— Mushirul Hasan, Outlook
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