Ghachar Ghochar – Vivek Shanbhag, Tr. Srinath Perur


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A young man’s close-knit family is nearly destitute when his uncle founds a successful spice company, changing their fortunes overnight. As they move from a cramped, ant-infested shack to a larger house on the other side of Bangalore, and try to adjust to a new way of life, the family dynamic begins to shift. Allegiances realign; marriages are arranged and begin to falter; and conflict brews ominously in the background. Things become “ghachar ghochar”—a nonsense phrase uttered by one meaning something tangled beyond repair, a knot that can’t be untied.

Elegantly written and punctuated by moments of unexpected warmth and humor, Ghachar Ghochar is a quietly enthralling, deeply unsettling novel about the shifting meanings—and consequences—of financial gain in contemporary India.

About the Author

Vivek Shanbhag writes in Kannada. He has published five short-story collections, three novels and two plays, and edited two anthologies, one of which is in English. Srinath Perur writes on a variety of subjects, especially travel or science. He is the author of the travelogue If It’s Monday It Must Be Madurai (Penguin India, 2013). He lives in Bangalore.

Srinath Perur is the author of If It’s Monday, It Must Be Madurai (2013) and the translator of Vivek Shanbhag’s Ghachar Ghochar (2015).